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Understanding what’s in your food

Kylie Dowling

Understanding what’s in your food

We understand that life is crazy busy and most of us get that to stay on top and be on our A game we need to nourish and care for our bodies from the inside out. In a perfect world, we would all be baking have perfect eaters and gut bacteria so well balanced that the thought of a cold would have our immune systems singing, unfortunately this isn’t always the case.

Instead, we rush around the supermarket looking at products that mention Organic, gluten free, healthy, weight loss or they might just have “natural” in the brand or maybe the packaging has that organic healthy look very deceiving. A product l looked at had natural in the brand name had fruit in the product name and whole fruit pictures on the box sounds amazing right, wrong it contained 16 ingredients multiple numbers and ingredients that didn’t sound like food and they were made in China. May as well be eating plastic as there wasn’t a signal nutrient to be eaten.

After getting through winter with multiple visits to the doctors and maybe even a dose of antibiotics you maybe asking yourself how can l change this? You may even be having a self-prescribed supplement but the number one thing that will make a difference is what goes in your mouth and being educated not being fouled by marketing.

Here at Nutrition Inside Out we have packages to help move yourself and/or family over to a whole food lifestyle including education on reading labels. Contact us today to discuss your lifestyle change.

Serving size when comparing similar food products use the per 100g column. To calculate how many kilojoules, you will be eating use the per serve column this is the same for nutrients. Although check your portion size chances are it’s more than the serving size.

Protein good quality protein is essential. RDI women 46g men 64g varies with age.

Sugar -get familiar with different sugar names (we will cover in coming weeks) sugar per 100g should be under 5g (1 tsp) although if your product is made from real fruits we would expect to see more natural sugars which we are ok with as this is a wholefood with other health benefits such as fibre.

Total Fat Trans fats should be 0g these are the bad guys. Other fats are fine other than fats from vegetable oils please check ingredient list.

Fibre good quality sources of fibre come from wholefoods such as fruit and veg, wholegrains, nut seeds and legumes. Refine grains and starches are poor. RDI for women 35g Men 30g.

Sodium/salt RDI 6g per day 2400mg, look for less than 120mg per 100g. Highly processed foods tend to have higher sodium.

Ingredients I always say to my clients if you can’t pronounce it don’t eat it! Ingredients are alway

listed from highest to lowest quantity so if sugar comes first then that is your main ingredient.

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